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Introducing the Tiger in 2018

Master Jason Chan

Tiger shares a Three Harmony relationship 三合 with the Grand Duke of 2018. This would which also mean that tiger is able to receive some form of help in the year. Help for tiger is most key to a more fruitful year in 2018.

Tigers are generally more courageous and have a “big brother” (大哥大) attitude. It is good that they allow benefactors to help them. And be more risk averse for 2018. Otherwise, it may land Tigers in unnecessary troubles or situation. It is wise to plan your year ahead with the knowledge of your good and bad months. You can “催吉辟凶” which means to transform good months to more productive ones and stay out of trouble in bad times.

Positive energy is flowing into the Tiger. They tend to feel stronger in 2018. They have more motivations to start or finish things that they have put aside in previous years. With too much energy, they can be perceived as aggressor. Tigers may jump on others more easily especially when provoked. Gossips is also an invitation for Tiger to fail. Do not let these gossips eat into you. It is good to have someone who is born in the year of the pig check on you when you get worked out.

At work, Tigers can achieve some good results in their work in 2018 if they worked hard enough. Bosses will praise or reward Tigers more readily and will attract jealous eyes among colleagues in work place. Be careful on how you handle your colleagues. It will affect the dynamic in relationship with you and your benefactors. Pay special attention to issues pertaining to regulations. The contracts may not be in your favor. Those who are workaholic or perfectionist type of tigers may spend more time at work especially when things are moving your way. Hence, it is good for Tigers to make a point to plan short vacations for them to recharge.

In terms of health, Tiger have to watch out on liver and heart related illnesses. These are the result of poor management of work and life balance. Not having enough rest and sleeping late. Drivers and pedestrians have to be careful while on the road. Roads are a dangerous place to take chances. Tiger must observe “safety first” principle. Tigers are likely to be involved in road related matters like accidents this year regardless the victim or the aggressor, fines, road blocks, etc...

Year: 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938

Next, we will introduce the Dragon, the natural enemy of the Horoscope Dog this weekend.

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