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Introducing the Ox in 2018

Ox is the last earth element discussed in this series. It is the warehouse for metal. And they are recognized for their persistence and their creativity for solutions. They are also slow to changes and are less adaptable. In 2018, Ox has indirect clash with the Grand Duke, making them an irritating target. Ox can expect some troubles in the coming months. Persistence is not always the key to success. Ox will have to seek other qualities such as creativity to solve difficulties.

For the earth element is strong for the Ox in 2018. It disrupts the balance between all the other elements. When elements are not in harmony, different aspect of your life such as wealth, relationship and health is affected. Not all Ox are affected. Feng Shui can help solve issues for all Ox. Talk to your Feng Shui Master and get them to advise you on the good and bad sectors of your house. And you can “催吉辟凶” which means to utilize good energies and transform bad energies through your house for your benefit. Otherwise, Ox in bad luck can expect themselves to be miserable.

At work, Ox will feel that they are swimming against the current. There will be obstacles of all sorts trying to foil their plans. It will busy and tiring. And seems like no end. Their projects are hard to complete and maybe abandoned. Things that are not handled with care can evolve into something more complicated. All these will contribute to their increasing stress levels. Stress can impact our life greatly. Hence, it is good for Ox to stay focus at task and manage their emotions bit by bit. Fortunately, there are some help available for the Ox particular in dealing with government or official. Their helps are indirect most of the time.

Too much earth in Ox will cause relationship to be stagnated. Some relationship may not be able to last through the year. It is worth for Ox to maintain a more positive outlook and a work life balance. So, they can keep their relationship. Avoid drinking and late night as it will affect their mood the next few days.

Ox will have more stomach issues this year. Gastric and indigestion will be a common affair. Clean and cooked diet maybe the way to go. Avoid cold and raw food whenever possible. Have enough rest when driving or operating machinery, there indications of accidents for the Ox.

Year: 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937

Next, we will introduce the Snake, the three harmony of the Ox and Rooster

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